Let’s say you’re the type that does an online comic strip. That’s a lot of work and time to put into something, so obviously you’d want a break now and then. What do you do with that break? Why, practice drawing the comic some more, of course!
That’s exactly what David has done with these newest Professor Hobo sketches. But you’ll obviously notice right away the look and design of these are dramatically different than what normally appears in the strip (Jimmy is way cooler looking, for one). Is this a sign of things to come? Well, yes for experimental art we share with our readers. No, for a dramatic change in the actual comic or cartoon series. We like the way our characters look, but even we aren’t immune to the allure of “rebooting” the franchise, even if just jokingly. Think of it as Professor Hobo, if Michael Bay rebooted it.
Though, seriously, Jimmy looks cool enough to shop in those stores at the mall you’re too embarrassed to go into. You can view the new looks by clicking below.
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